Welcome "Creative Thinkers" to EmergenceArt gallery blog; bridging cultural gaps through art, poetry and style. Featuring art, exotic dishes, “power profiles”, videos and projects of people of African decent, as well as other creatives inspired by Africa.
Celebrate Africa!!

Exotic Dishes

Pawpaw (Papaya) Pie
Filling Ingredients
1 medium or large pawpaw (green or slightly ripe)
1 tsp nutmeg
2 tbsp fresh lime juice
½ cup granulated sugar or brown sugar for flavor
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
Cut and clean pawpaw (remove all seeds). Boil pawpaw slices until tender, drain liquid and blend/puree pawpaw slices. Add sugar, lime juice, nutmeg, vanilla, and butter. Mix and dip potions onto each pie crust dough) and fold over to make individual pie pockets.  Brush each pocket with egg wash.
Pie Crust
2 cups all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt 
1 tbsp granulated sugar
1 cup cold unsalted butter or vegetable shortening,

or combination of shortening and butter
3 to 6 tablespoons ice water

1 egg (optional)

Or use Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts.

Mix dry ingredients together.  Thoroughly blend butter with flour mixture until crumbly.  Sprinkle 6 tablespoons of ice water blended with egg yoke over the mixture and mix until dough sticks together.  Add more tablespoons of cold water if necessary for dough to properly stick together.  Flatten dough with rolling pin. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 15 minutes.  Roll out on lightly flour surface and cut dough into medium or large circles using appropriate cookie cutter (or the rim of a glass/cup).
Bake 400 degrees for about 25 - 30 minutes

Jerk Fish with Curry-Vinegar Sauce
1 medium or large fish (Tilapia)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large spoon Hot Jamaican Jerk Seasoning (found at most international food stores)
1 large spoon onion powder
Seasoning salt (optional)

Wash and cut fish into three or four pieces (fish can also be left whole).  Season the fish with the remaining ingredients listed above. Fish is best when marinated over night or let sit for about 20 - 30 minutes.  Smear the tablespoon of olive oil on the bottom of baking pan.  Bake/oven fry the fish uncovered on 400 degrees for about 45 minutes to an hour until medium brown.

Curry-Vinegar Onion Sauce

2 large onions sliced into rings
4 tbsp olive oil
3 fresh medium tomatoes (chopped into large chunks)
1 teaspoon of curry
Pinch black pepper
3 large tbsp vinegar
Pinch of salt or half bouillon cube (optional)
1/3 cup water

Lightly stir-fry onions in olive oil along with fresh tomatoes.  Add curry, black pepper, and pinch of salt (optional).  Finally, sauté in vinegar and water for few seconds.  (Make sure onion rings remain crunchy).

Garnish fish dish with fresh parsley and sliced lemon
curry-vinegar sauce

 ~ fish head ~
garnished with fresh parsley and lemon
Jamaican Jerk Seasoning
marinate fresh fish in Jamaican Jerk Seasoning


More exotic food(s) to sweeten your palates...

Kala – West African Appetizer

2½ cups flour
½ cup sugar
Pinch of salt
1½  pkg active dry yeast
1¾ cups lukewarm water – dissolve packages active dry yeast in warm water

Mix dry ingredients together. Dissolve active dry yeast in lukewarm water and slowly pour water into dry ingredients to make soft textured dough.  Allow dough to rise for about 45min to an hour or less. Scoop and deep fry dough in hot oil until golden brown. (See illustrations)

Helpful Tips

  • Use spoon or ice cream scoop to shape dough into balls. Dip scoop/spoon into a little bowl of water after every other use.
  • Cool Kala on paper towel to absorb excess oil
  • Use deep fryer set on hi to fry dough
  • The recipe makes simple serving for four – double recipe to increase serving
  • Kala pairs nicely with spicy pepper sauce or cinnamon sugar

Spicy Sauce/Pepper Sauce

1 large or medium onion
2 habanero peppers (increase amount as desired for extra hot sauce)
2 maggie cubes or 1 large bouillon cube
Pinch of salt (optional)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Chop or blend one medium or large onion along with one or two habanero peppers. Add various seasonings like Maggie or bouillon cubes to add deep rich flavor. Stir-fry in skillet/frying pan with olive oil and add little water to simmer.

Cinnamon Sugar

Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon

Kala and Pepper Sauce
~ Spicy n Nice ~
Kala & Cinnamon Sugar
Some Ingredients for Spicy Sauce

Active Dry Yeast - three pkg attached
(use one and half only)

Africa has lots of unique exotic foods to sweeten your palates. The foods in Africa often bear influence of different ethnic groups and sometimes non-ethnic cultures. Today, I share with you a rice/ginger pastry known as rice bread that will keep you asking for more once you've had a taste. Rice bread is a delicacy in Liberia, West Africa; one of its main ingredient is pounded rice also known as rice flour. Rice bread is often prepared for special occasions such as weddings, parties, etc… Here's how to prepare it:

Rice Bread
10 or 12 very ripe bananas or 8 large very ripe plantains
1 cup vegetable or olive oil
1 package rice flour/Cream of Rice (Cream of Rice is found at most grocery stores)
Pinch of salt
1 or 1/2 cup sugar (optional)
2 ginger roots (grated) or 1/2 of a standard size jar of ground ginger
1 large can of carnation milk or 3 small cans of carnation milk
5 eggs
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Blend or mash plantains/bananas and add all other ingredients and mix thoroughly together. Bake at 375 degrees in a large (lightly greased with oil) baking pan for about 40 to 45 minutes. (Reduce oven temperature, as bread turns brown)


The warm and intense aroma of the ginger and cinnamon is
absolutely irresistible...

Garnished with cinnamon powder

Pairs nicely with Sparkling Apple Cider

Pictures of some of the ingredients used in preparing the Rice Bread


  1. This looks sooo good! Please keep 'em coming :-) (jumu)

  2. Great to see my favorite Liberian desserts made simple...Love the idea..Please keep this going.
